Monday, July 1, 2013

Getting Out of the Kitchen

So much for the blog challenge, eh?

I dumped nail polish remover all over my keyboard early last week and destroyed it, so finishing up the challenge I was already not doing so well at became difficult. Oh well, maybe next year... Though, I'm happy to hear that our efforts are finally starting to make an impact.

It's that time of year again where it becomes difficult to escape the heat, especially without central air conditioning. Fortunately, for whatever strange reason this year, despite the heat my traditional heat-induced headaches and migraines haven't been nearly as frequent or severe. I wonder what that's all about.

But they're not gone completely. On really bad days where it's not only hot but I also have to run around outside all day, it can get bad. It's like I wake up with it, take some OTCs along with a cool shower, and it tapers off for a while. Then I get back out in the heat and it gradually comes back. By the end of the day, I go to bed feeling about the same as I did when I woke up.

Whatever the case, it's a work in progress that's slowly getting better. What do you do to escape the heat and the headaches that can come with them?

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