Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Who Knows Anymore?

After desperately wanting to get away from New York these past few months, I made my escape back to Iowa this past weekend to help throw a surprise retirement party for my parents (a HUGE success, by the way). Since the heatwave was dying off, and I would be going home to relax and simply enjoy life, I assumed my headaches would be less intense and frequent and I would be able to work on tackling MOH a little.


My first morning back home started with a pretty intense migraine - I haven't had a problem with a morning migraine like this one since last summer. Excedrin took the edge off, but I still battled a headache for the rest of the day. It could have been a multitude of things - very little sleep the day before, too much caffeine the day before, pollen and dust in the air from the fields, or a variety of other possible triggers.

The next morning was nearly the same, though less intense. My third and last morning in Iowa produced almost no headache at all. I just don't get it!

It's so hard to determine triggers to avoid when there seems to be no pattern to my headaches and migraines, or consistency in intensity. What's a girl to do?

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