Monday, January 21, 2013

Sinus Headache?

I think I may have experienced my first sinus headache last night. There was a lot of pressure and soreness right underneath my right eye and on my cheekbone. At first, I figured it had something to do with my jaw issues, so I tried to ignore it. Eventually the pressure / pain became annoying enough that I realized it wasn't anything related to my jaw like I'd experienced before. I put ice on the spot, but it didn't really do much of anything.

Finally, I tried an allergy pill to try to loosen up my sinuses a little bit. It helped some, but didn't make a huge difference. Eventually I just went to bed and woke up feeling fine.

I wouldn't call the pain severe - it was just there. And wouldn't go away. It certainly wasn't anything like a migraine or tension headache. To anyone who's had a sinus headache before, is that what I was experiencing? 


  1. Sounds like. I happen to get those a lot. I usually just take 10mg of Loratadine and some ibuprofin. And hot works better than cold for the sinuses.

  2. I think Andy was going to give me Loratadine, but then couldn't remember what it would do. Some pharmacist he is :)
