Friday, January 18, 2013

Brain Fog

While "brain fog" isn't generally something directly associated with migraine, they can be connected. According to Migravent's blog, many people who complain of feeling foggy, or living in a haze all day, often complain of also suffering from migraines, and vice versa.
Brain drain is one complaint that people with migraines and chronic fatigue have- that feeling of walking around in a daze, not being quick-on-the-uptake, thinking in slow motion.
For many, chronic pain and fatigue go hand-in-hand. One of the most common symptoms of illnesses such as migraine disorder, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, and pernicious anemia is- you guessed it- constant brain fog, or “fibro haze.”
Sometimes, brain fog occurs because of reduced oxygen resulting from low red blood cells. Such is the case when vitamin B12 deficiency occurs with migraine.
I used to have brain fog a lot. I walked around feeling like I was in a haze all the time. I couldn't seem to get anything done, and my boyfriend complained that I seemed mopey and boring. I blame this primarily on Topamax, but I've also noticed less brain fog since I started regularly seeing a chiropractor again. I think both could have helped with this.

What's your take on brain fog? Have you had it? Does it hinder your daily performance? Tell us what you think.

The original article can be found here.

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