Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Welcome Back

Well, hello there. Hope your Easter went well, pain-free, and that you could enjoy your time with family. I felt pretty lazy all weekend, and wasn't really motivated to write about anything. But no news is good news, right? :)

Spring has been teasing us lately, but I think the hints of it in the air are helping me feel better in general. The larger and more regular amounts of sunshine are definitely giving me a mental and emotional boost.

The melatonin experiment didn't exactly go as hoped; I'd been taking melatonin for a few nights in a row, and was noticing less headaches in the mornings. It must have been a coincidence, because I haven't noticed any significant changes lately, and seem to be regressing back to where I was before. It seems that if I get less sleep at night (6 - 7 hours), I'm less apt to wake up with a headache. I can do this with no problem for a few days, especially if I'm getting a steady 7 hours every night, but eventually the lack of sleep starts to take a toll. But I'd still take being tired over having a headache.

How was your Easter weekend? We're you able to do everything you wanted to do, or make any new discoveries?

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