Sunday, April 28, 2013

Walking Pharmacies

If you're like me, your purse / laptop bag / bookbag / etc. works as both its intended use as a carrier and also as a walking pharmacy. When you live in chronic pain, in fear of unexpected pain, with allergies, or whatever, you know that you've got to keep every necessary fix with you at all times. Generally, it's a HUGE pain. People hear the pill bottles shake around if your bag is jostled, and the amount of pills you need to carry sometimes determines the size of the bag you carry, which can be a big issue at crowded events.

I've been brainstorming / researching clever ways to carry around a personal pharmacy without making it known to the entire world, and here are a few I've come up with:

  • Plain old Ziploc baggies. These can be a pain since you have to make sure you always have enough meds stocked in your bag, but it's more compact and doesn't allow for any maraca-like noises.
  • Pack-m-Ups. These are essentially weekly pill containers in Ziploc baggie form, and are great if you have several prescription things to take a different times of the day. Each baggie has a date and time label, and some come as little mini bags all sewn together, similar to a plastic weekly pill container.
  • Pillfold / Pillpouch by Sara Gorman. These are super cute and compact, and offer different ways to carry meds, based on your preference. To top if off, 5% of each bag sold goes to a Lupus charity. The Pillpouch is a great way to keep pills with their appropriate labels.
  • Altoids tins / film canisters / etc. Reduce, reuse, recycle! If you only have a few pills to keep track of, and know them well, you can combine them into little reusable containers you may have laying around the house. Granted, if, for some odd reason, you were to be search by an authority, you may be questioned by the amount of random pills you have shoved together.
I guess it all depends on what you want to accomplish when packing pills. Do you want privacy (i.e. no noise), convenience, or small size? What other ideas have you tried? Which ones have worked for you?

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